Losing an NHL Player's Game Used Jersey Collection - with Brian Ehrenworth
No matter how hard you try, and how careful you are, every so often something is going to slip through the cracks.
This is a story of one of those times when the worst case scenario comes to light. When given an NHL Superstar's collection of his own game worn jerseys for framing, they somehow managed to seemingly vanish off the face of the earth.
Every element of this story is mind blowing: from how they disappeared, to the steps we had to take in order to rectify the issue.
Believe it or not: this is one of the stories which made us consider starting a podcast in the first place, and after listening to this episode you'll know why.
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Sad Styles:sign-off a Frameworth podcast on Fridays.
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Mikey Ehrenworth:hello and welcome.
Mikey Ehrenworth:My name's Mikey Ehrenworth signing onto the sign-off, uh, Frameworth podcast.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Now I feel like we're still early enough.
Mikey Ehrenworth:In this podcast, it's lifecycle to talk about some of the inspirations
Mikey Ehrenworth:that got us to actually turn the mics on in the first place.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And this story that we're going to be focusing on this week is essentially
Mikey Ehrenworth:the story that made us think, you know, what we think people might
Mikey Ehrenworth:want to hear what we have to say.
Mikey Ehrenworth:It's a story that I've heard.
Mikey Ehrenworth:My dad, Brian, Ehrenworth the president of Frameworth.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Tell countless times to countless people at countless different events.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I've seen some of the most legendary superstars eating out of my
Mikey Ehrenworth:dad's hands as he's recounting.
Mikey Ehrenworth:What happened to him in this story, and really what happened
Mikey Ehrenworth:to the company as a whole.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Now we've teased this story a few times on earlier episodes.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And that's basically, because this is probably the episode that I've been
Mikey Ehrenworth:looking most forward to recording.
Mikey Ehrenworth:It doesn't matter how many times I've heard this story.
Mikey Ehrenworth:It never gets old.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And it's essentially all about what would happen if a new prospective
Mikey Ehrenworth:client in the form of an NHL superstar had given us his collection of
Mikey Ehrenworth:game used jerseys to get framed up.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And if those had mysteriously been.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Misplaced.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Now that may sound like a teaser or a tag.
Mikey Ehrenworth:It is exactly what you expect it to be.
Mikey Ehrenworth:The story is not just about how they went missing, but how Frameworth went
Mikey Ehrenworth:to all the lengths that we possibly could to rectify the situation.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And you would think that the most interesting part of the story is
Mikey Ehrenworth:the fact that they went missing.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And boy, if that's what you think you are dead wrong.
Mikey Ehrenworth:So I want to lead us into the episode, but before I do that, I do have a
Mikey Ehrenworth:little bit of housekeeping and that's by giving a shout out to the Sidney
Mikey Ehrenworth:Crosby memorabilia collectors page on Facebook, which is hosted by Matt.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Ellenberger a friend of the podcast and a friend of Frameworth for quite a while.
Mikey Ehrenworth:We had hosted a giveaway on their page, which was essentially entering
Mikey Ehrenworth:you into a draw as long as you listen to and subscribe to the podcast.
Mikey Ehrenworth:It's simple.
Mikey Ehrenworth:If you're out there and you have a group that you think would be
Mikey Ehrenworth:interested in our podcast, hit us upsignoffpod@frameworth.com and you can
Mikey Ehrenworth:also send us any questions or comments that you have about the podcast that
Mikey Ehrenworth:you may want us to address on air.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Now, Matt Ellenberger had told me that the winner of this giveaway is a man
Mikey Ehrenworth:who goes by the name of will Edward.
Mikey Ehrenworth:So will congratulations to you.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Thank you so much for listening and as always tell your friends and family about
Mikey Ehrenworth:the sign-off podcast, we're only getting bigger and what better time to join us?
Mikey Ehrenworth:Then right now, I also wanted to give a quick shout out to two members of the
Mikey Ehrenworth:community who are particularly active when it comes to commenting on our YouTube
Mikey Ehrenworth:videos, they always have great feedback.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And that's the kind of thing that we love to see Ken Spence and Robert Savoie.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I'm going to go with Savoie.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Thank you guys.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Once again, for taking part in the community, showing us you're out
Mikey Ehrenworth:there, sending us some questions, it all goes a very long way to
Mikey Ehrenworth:make this community feel lively.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Lived in and we want you guys to be a part of it every step along the way.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Now, without further ado, I cannot wait to get into this.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I've talked way more than I should have given the fact that
Mikey Ehrenworth:what's coming next is something that you just simply cannot miss.
Mikey Ehrenworth:So I'm going to take a quick break.
Mikey Ehrenworth:We will see you guys on the other side for one of the greatest
Mikey Ehrenworth:stories you will ever hear.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I promise you that
Mikey Ehrenworth:And welcome back to the sign-off we're here once again, just one short week
Mikey Ehrenworth:away from our last recording, where it was me, Mikey, Ehrenworth, and
Mikey Ehrenworth:my dad, president of, uh, Frameworth Sports Marketing Brian Ehrenworth here.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Joining us as well.
Mikey Ehrenworth:We have to the camera.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Give him a little hello.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And that's, that's a little reminder if you're listening to this on Stitcher,
Mikey Ehrenworth:Spotify, iTunes, any of those things, we are also available on YouTube.
Mikey Ehrenworth:We record every episode in video, especially when you have some of
Mikey Ehrenworth:the guests on as if our pretty faces weren't enough to, uh, to
Mikey Ehrenworth:keep you guys excited and engaged.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Uh, but today is, uh, listen, I can say this at the beginning of
Mikey Ehrenworth:every episode and I probably will another very exciting episode.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And the reason for that is eventually we're going to be getting into the.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Maybe my favorite story in the history of Frameworth, uh, mainly because of
Mikey Ehrenworth:the way that it ended a bank, if it didn't end this way and you'll know
Mikey Ehrenworth:what we're talking about in a little bit, but if it didn't end this way, it
Mikey Ehrenworth:could have been absolutely catastrophic.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Uh, but the, the company kind of got together, found out some solutions and,
Mikey Ehrenworth:uh, and made this work in our favor.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Uh, I know you're probably just chomping at the bit to hear what,
Mikey Ehrenworth:what it is we're talking about, but that's a teaser to lead us into it
Mikey Ehrenworth:because when we're in this world, Of sports marketing and we're dealing
Mikey Ehrenworth:with athletes and very high profile people, listen, we all make mistakes.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Um, you dad and mom made a mistake, uh, at which which came to, to
Mikey Ehrenworth:bear fruit on February 3rd, 1989 in the form of Mikey, Ehrenworth
Mikey Ehrenworth:co-host of the sign-off podcast.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Um, but we all make some mistakes.
Mikey Ehrenworth:We all trip up at some points and, uh, sometimes the scope and scale of that
Mikey Ehrenworth:is a lot larger, especially when you're dealing with people of a certain caliber
Mikey Ehrenworth:or, or prominence in, in an industry, we have a reputation to protect.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Uh, we work with these people quite often.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And for as large of an industry, it is word gets around.
Mikey Ehrenworth:So what are your thoughts then on, on dealing with some of these high profile
Mikey Ehrenworth:people companies, you know, it's, we're, we're dealing with MLSE for example,
Mikey Ehrenworth:and when we potentially drop the ball, the ramifications can be enormous.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Do you, do you lose sleep over that?
Mikey Ehrenworth:Is that something with an added sense of responsibility?
Brian Ehrenworth:Well, I was in at 5:30 this morning.
Brian Ehrenworth:It is Sunday.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:When we're recording this
Mikey Ehrenworth:nice, nice, cool.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Sunday afternoon,
Brian Ehrenworth:wake up and start thinking about things now, you know,
Brian Ehrenworth:things have, uh, over the years have, uh, have gotten a lot better
Brian Ehrenworth:and smoother, et cetera, but there's always something that can go wrong.
Brian Ehrenworth:Some can be devastating.
Brian Ehrenworth:You just have to kind of keep, keep.
Brian Ehrenworth:Thinking about it, keep your eye on the ball and make sure
Brian Ehrenworth:that nothing does go wrong.
Brian Ehrenworth:But inevitably,
Mikey Ehrenworth:what are the kinds of things that you
Mikey Ehrenworth:worry about losing track of?
Mikey Ehrenworth:What are, what are the, the, the sort of plate spinning elements that,
Mikey Ehrenworth:that, that keep you up at night?
Mikey Ehrenworth:What is, is it more on a relationship athlete to athlete basis or is it with
Mikey Ehrenworth:your, with our customers and clients?
Mikey Ehrenworth:And that
Brian Ehrenworth:it's all of it.
Brian Ehrenworth:I, I mean, Starting with, we're dealing with a lot of expensive product site.
Brian Ehrenworth:A lot of which is ours.
Brian Ehrenworth:A lot of which is other people's.
Brian Ehrenworth:Um, we're framing up jerseys.
Brian Ehrenworth:We frame a lot of, uh, NHL players, jerseys were known to be the.
Brian Ehrenworth:The Cadillac of the industry.
Brian Ehrenworth:So when players
Mikey Ehrenworth:Cadliiac's a weird reference, I feel like we
Mikey Ehrenworth:should update that reference.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Maybe,
Brian Ehrenworth:maybe Ferrari, I don't know, a Cadillac.
Brian Ehrenworth:It used to be
Mikey Ehrenworth:we're the Cadillac of our industry, our grandparents drive us.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Mikey Ehrenworth:So, so we ended up, uh, You know, framing, we do, a lot of
Mikey Ehrenworth:the players will come to us.
Brian Ehrenworth:We just did some for a Sanheim and, uh, uh, Gary Roberts
Brian Ehrenworth:just called me to do some framing.
Brian Ehrenworth:They trust us to do the job right now.
Brian Ehrenworth:We're, we're utilizing their products and not just players, but other
Brian Ehrenworth:peoples, we get Gretzky jerseys.
Brian Ehrenworth:We get all sorts of expensive things in.
Brian Ehrenworth:Uh, that belonged to customers and ourselves, and we've got to frame
Brian Ehrenworth:them and anything can go wrong.
Brian Ehrenworth:You know, you want to make sure your employees aren't drinking coffee
Brian Ehrenworth:by their workstations and stuff.
Brian Ehrenworth:Anything can go wrong.
Brian Ehrenworth:And when it does, you've got to pay the Piper and that can be very expensive.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And it, it, it, it does kind of bring on an entire, uh, new.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Level of stress when we're dealing with customers, own products or players, own
Mikey Ehrenworth:products, things like that, especially when there's a sentimental value to it.
Mikey Ehrenworth:You had mentioned, I can't remember which episode it was.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Uh, I think it was the episode of Ken Reed and we started talking about game worn
Mikey Ehrenworth:jerseys and is there value in cutting them up and putting, putting them on cards?
Mikey Ehrenworth:And I think it was a Ted Williams Jersey that you refuse to cut up.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Now, the flip side of that is maybe you do agree to take on
Mikey Ehrenworth:the Jersey and just frame it up.
Mikey Ehrenworth:As per usual, now you're taking on the responsibility of, of handling
Mikey Ehrenworth:a essentially priceless item.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And if something goes wrong, you know, the customer is going to be claiming
Mikey Ehrenworth:the highest possible value for it.
Mikey Ehrenworth:So do you lose sleep also on just like the individual walk-in customers with items
Mikey Ehrenworth:of their own, or is that kind of something that you're, you can't worry about?
Mikey Ehrenworth:All of it.
Mikey Ehrenworth:So you got to sort of put your focus elsewhere.
Brian Ehrenworth:It's part of the business, it's part of
Brian Ehrenworth:what we've done from day one.
Brian Ehrenworth:And, and as time.
Brian Ehrenworth:Has gone on and our reputation gets better than people entrust us with
Brian Ehrenworth:more and more expensive things.
Brian Ehrenworth:And recently we we've just done some very expensive things.
Brian Ehrenworth:And even now Sidney Crosby jerseys are valued.
Brian Ehrenworth:At $2,000, $2,500 retail
Mikey Ehrenworth:Non Game-Worn.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Right?
Mikey Ehrenworth:So you can imagine the game worn stuff like that.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:And Wayne Gretzky product from upper deck is up there 2,500 us retail.
Brian Ehrenworth:So those are things that come and go.
Brian Ehrenworth:And if you, I don't know if you drop it on the floor or something happens to it,
Brian Ehrenworth:then, then you're responsible for it.
Brian Ehrenworth:So you really have to be careful.
Brian Ehrenworth:That's one aspect.
Brian Ehrenworth:The other aspect is when you.
Brian Ehrenworth:Maybe screw up with something you say, or do you know, even on this podcast, um,
Brian Ehrenworth:I've, I'm very conscious, conscious of how you pronounce the word conscience.
Brian Ehrenworth:Exactly.
Brian Ehrenworth:Uh, of saying something that might be damaging or that shouldn't
Brian Ehrenworth:be said on a, on a podcast.
Brian Ehrenworth:We're trying to give you a lot of insight on this podcast,
Brian Ehrenworth:but I certainly don't want to.
Brian Ehrenworth:Say something that's contrary to the brand of the players that we work with.
Brian Ehrenworth:Very true.
Brian Ehrenworth:Each, each player has their own brand, uh, and they behave a certain way and
Brian Ehrenworth:they want us to be consistent with that, which is why we work with so many players.
Brian Ehrenworth:Cause they know they can trust us on it.
Brian Ehrenworth:But if you make a mistake, And you slip up and you say something wrong.
Brian Ehrenworth:It's out there.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Yeah, it's out there now.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Okay.
Mikey Ehrenworth:So when, when one walk-in customer comes in and they have one game worn Jersey that
Mikey Ehrenworth:they got from one player that becomes a very special possession to that person.
Mikey Ehrenworth:There's nothing personal in it necessarily, but it's valuable to them.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And it's a piece of history.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Now, what if on the flip side, one of your clients in the form of say an athlete.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Comes in with not just one game you game used Jersey, but the collection
Mikey Ehrenworth:of every game used Jersey they've ever felt was important enough for them to
Mikey Ehrenworth:keep say, maybe it's a young, hot shot player in the NHL named Rick Nash.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And we are sort of courting him to see whether or not we can be his
Mikey Ehrenworth:representatives in the field of sports, marketing and memorabilia.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Does this ring a bell?
Mikey Ehrenworth:Is this, is this something that, that may have happened to you at some point?
Brian Ehrenworth:Probably the most devastating thing that could
Brian Ehrenworth:have happened to the company in the whole time period that we're here.
Brian Ehrenworth:And I actually have told this story to other NHL hockey players and they
Brian Ehrenworth:sit in awe and can't believe that this story is true, but it is, it is.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And, uh, listen, if you're listening to us right now,
Mikey Ehrenworth:um, you're about to get into it.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Uh, this, this is something that it's a story that.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I love here.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Like you, you know this already.
Mikey Ehrenworth:If you're listening to this podcast, I love speaking.
Mikey Ehrenworth:It's one of my favorite things to do, but this is one of the rare cases
Mikey Ehrenworth:where I love listening to you tell this story because the amount of
Mikey Ehrenworth:detail that goes into how this all went wrong and what Frameworth as a company
Mikey Ehrenworth:did to rectify it is mind-blowing.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And we're going to get into it in detail here.
Mikey Ehrenworth:So why don't we start off, uh, what.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Is going on in Frameworth at Frameworth that gets you involved
Mikey Ehrenworth:with Rick Nash at the time?
Mikey Ehrenworth:Well, we're going back.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I think it's 2003, um, pretty important year for the company.
Mikey Ehrenworth:If you, if you've heard our recent episodes now
Brian Ehrenworth:and, um, well, it's, there's some things had
Brian Ehrenworth:happened during that timeframe.
Brian Ehrenworth:My brother passed away your uncle.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yep.
Brian Ehrenworth:So we were also getting into a little sideline business
Brian Ehrenworth:of, of, uh, event marketing.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:So I put my expertise of going to expertise.
Brian Ehrenworth:I went to a lot of celebrity golf tournaments that we were
Brian Ehrenworth:invited to NHL tournaments, the NHL alumni had tournaments.
Brian Ehrenworth:So I decided that we would raise some money, um, for the cancer society by
Brian Ehrenworth:having our own, uh, uh, golf tournament.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Yup.
Brian Ehrenworth:And I pulled in.
Brian Ehrenworth:All of the favors that I had ever done for anybody, um, to, to try and
Brian Ehrenworth:get some really great players there.
Brian Ehrenworth:Um, too.
Brian Ehrenworth:So it was going to be a Pro-Am tournament.
Brian Ehrenworth:I never asked people for anything, but this is for my
Brian Ehrenworth:brother and it was something that was very near and dear to me.
Brian Ehrenworth:So I, I just discarded that kind of don't ask anybody for anything
Brian Ehrenworth:is when you're collecting, right?
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:So a very good friend of mine, uh, and he will be on the show at some
Brian Ehrenworth:point, Brad Janson a character you guys are gonna love when we bring him on.
Mikey Ehrenworth:He's got, he's got stories up the wazoo
Brian Ehrenworth:history behind Brad and how he's evolved through
Brian Ehrenworth:this industry, uh, and how he's helped me evolve Frameworth.
Brian Ehrenworth:Um, is, is so cool.
Mikey Ehrenworth:He's the kind of guy where, when you walk into a room with
Mikey Ehrenworth:him and there are players in there, and you're excited to see the players,
Mikey Ehrenworth:the players are excited to see him.
Mikey Ehrenworth:He has that kind of vibe to it.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yes.
Brian Ehrenworth:And I won't get into all the, I can't get into all the other stories.
Brian Ehrenworth:We'll wait for him to show up here, but Brad was a good friends
Brian Ehrenworth:with Rick Nash and mad Rick.
Brian Ehrenworth:I believe Brad was in the, uh, sports equipment business.
Brian Ehrenworth:And I believe at that point he had just signed Rick Nash, who was like a, really
Brian Ehrenworth:an up and comer, not up and coming.
Brian Ehrenworth:It was already there.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:This is after his, his goal leading season.
Brian Ehrenworth:I think he was MVP in the all-star game and all that stuff.
Brian Ehrenworth:So, um, so I asked Brad for a favor to see if he could get a couple of guys
Brian Ehrenworth:to come to the tournament and, um, He asked Rick and Rick graciously said yes.
Brian Ehrenworth:Now Rick was just going to Columbus at the time.
Brian Ehrenworth:So, uh, Brad said, you know what, by the way, Rick's just
Brian Ehrenworth:bought a new home in Columbus.
Brian Ehrenworth:And, uh, wondered if you could frame up some jerseys for him.
Brian Ehrenworth:Right.
Brian Ehrenworth:So I said, Oh, absolutely.
Brian Ehrenworth:Um, I, you know, I won't even charge him because he's showing up at the tournament.
Brian Ehrenworth:It's great.
Brian Ehrenworth:Um,
Mikey Ehrenworth:did you know, at the time when he says frame up some jerseys,
Mikey Ehrenworth:did you know what was coming your way or how many jerseys were coming your way?
Brian Ehrenworth:No, so in fact, I just pulled into the, we, the
Brian Ehrenworth:tournament was held at Eagle's nest with great course North of the city
Mikey Ehrenworth:here in Toronto.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Just outside of Toronto.
Brian Ehrenworth:And, uh, pulled in and Brad was happened to be pulling in
Brian Ehrenworth:at the same time with Rick and the car.
Brian Ehrenworth:And he says, Oh, open your trunk.
Brian Ehrenworth:So I said, Oh, these are the jerseys.
Brian Ehrenworth:He, he wanted framed.
Brian Ehrenworth:He said, yeah, he says, uh, and any hands over, uh, two big garbage bags, full
Brian Ehrenworth:of jerseys, throw them in the trunk.
Brian Ehrenworth:I said, take them back.
Brian Ehrenworth:This was before the tournament.
Brian Ehrenworth:So we're going to go play golf.
Brian Ehrenworth:And so, uh, the next day, uh, I come back with the jerseys.
Brian Ehrenworth:We had the golf tournaments, a great, great event.
Brian Ehrenworth:Everybody showed up for that.
Mikey Ehrenworth:That was, I was there as well.
Mikey Ehrenworth:That was, was a phenomenal event.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I remember at that event, actually, uh, you would put a lot of time
Mikey Ehrenworth:and effort again for the listener.
Mikey Ehrenworth:This was a golf tournament that was put on in memory of your brother,
Mikey Ehrenworth:my uncle, uh, Jeff Ehrenworth yet.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And, uh, and it was, uh, almost a means of mourning or closure for you.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I'd always assumed at least you put a lot of work into it to
Mikey Ehrenworth:kind of put your stamp on it.
Brian Ehrenworth:Very special.
Brian Ehrenworth:We had Darryl Sittler, Bobby Hull.
Brian Ehrenworth:Uh, we had, uh, George Chuvalo, Dennis Hull was the MC yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:It was a really for it and everybody got to play with a celebrity.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:Um, so it was a great event, Gerry, Cheevers you name it?
Brian Ehrenworth:Especially back in 2003 where those alumni players were just
Brian Ehrenworth:kind of finishing their careers.
Brian Ehrenworth:So they were even more known to the, yeah.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And, and I remember, uh, you had a lot on
Mikey Ehrenworth:your mind and you were super busy.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Uh, and, and maybe a little bit flustered and you finish golf.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And after the, the, the golf had happened, like all the, all the players
Mikey Ehrenworth:that come back and come back into, uh, to, to, to kind of shower up before
Mikey Ehrenworth:the evening's events, with the dinner and the, and the auctions and all that
Mikey Ehrenworth:stuff, you go down and you shower and you come back upstairs to the lobby
Mikey Ehrenworth:to go shake hands and kiss babies, or kiss babies and shake hands, I guess.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Um, and, and you have this like, Uh, Arlene Dickinson style,
Mikey Ehrenworth:gray streak through your hair.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And I remember seeing you and thinking like, wow, like you must've been
Mikey Ehrenworth:really stressed out about this.
Mikey Ehrenworth:You have gray hair.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Now what had happened is you thought you were spraying hairspray in your hair and
Mikey Ehrenworth:instead had sprayed spray on deodorant.
Mikey Ehrenworth:You had this big silver streak.
Brian Ehrenworth:I didn't even know it.
Brian Ehrenworth:I was, so I was so wrapped up in the term.
Brian Ehrenworth:Somebody had to send me back down to.
Brian Ehrenworth:Try and get this stuff out of my hair.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:We took our pictures and then, and had our fun.
Brian Ehrenworth:And then we told you that you had it in your hair, but yeah, exactly.
Brian Ehrenworth:So the tournament's over.
Brian Ehrenworth:I had back, um, I'm an early riser, so I'm in the office fairly early
Brian Ehrenworth:and, um, I'm sitting there through the day and, uh, about 10 o'clock.
Brian Ehrenworth:My foreman comes in, who's still with me today and best employee ever.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Okay.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Well, Hey, uh, by the way, uh, his son and also employee.
Mikey Ehrenworth:So yeah, exactly.
Mikey Ehrenworth:So also I agree with them.
Brian Ehrenworth:So Mano, so Mano comes through and I said, Oh,
Brian Ehrenworth:mano, what'd you do me a favor?
Brian Ehrenworth:Um, here's the keys to my, uh, Car, could you bring those, uh, garbage
Brian Ehrenworth:bags of jerseys and put them in the showroom so that Steve, our, our creative
Brian Ehrenworth:director here can style them up, frame them, get them ready, uh, for framing.
Brian Ehrenworth:And so he does that and brings the keys back and I'm ready to
Brian Ehrenworth:go, uh, do the rest of the work.
Brian Ehrenworth:And then the next morning at about five o'clock in the morning, I remember
Brian Ehrenworth:waking up and saying, gee, no, but Steve never came back to me to ask
Brian Ehrenworth:how I wanted those things framed.
Brian Ehrenworth:Right.
Brian Ehrenworth:Said that's really strange because he's very efficient.
Brian Ehrenworth:So I said, I'm thinking, well, he should have had those.
Brian Ehrenworth:He can't miss those two big garbage bags, full of garbage, garbage
Brian Ehrenworth:bags, garbage bags, full of jerseys.
Brian Ehrenworth:And my heart stopped.
Brian Ehrenworth:I said, no, that just couldn't happen.
Brian Ehrenworth:How could, how could anybody mistake that?
Brian Ehrenworth:So I come into the office and I'm on pins and needles, and I'm waiting for
Brian Ehrenworth:Mano to come in, who also comes in fairly early, but I'm in at six 30.
Brian Ehrenworth:He comes in at eight.
Brian Ehrenworth:And, uh, I said to him, mano, where, where is, uh, where did you put that?
Brian Ehrenworth:Uh, the jerseys that I gave, he says what jerseys?
Brian Ehrenworth:I said that the two garbage bags full of jerseys that were in my trunk.
Brian Ehrenworth:He says, Oh my God.
Brian Ehrenworth:He says, I thought that was garbage.
Brian Ehrenworth:I said, why would I bring garbage back from a golf tournament in your trunk?
Brian Ehrenworth:He says, I don't know, but I thought it was garbage.
Brian Ehrenworth:So I threw them in the dumpster.
Brian Ehrenworth:I almost threw up on the spot.
Brian Ehrenworth:I said, my, my foreman or my general manager was in at the time I
Brian Ehrenworth:grabbed him and I said, we gotta go.
Brian Ehrenworth:And we run to the back door.
Brian Ehrenworth:Fling open the door of the, of the dumping door, where the dumpster is.
Brian Ehrenworth:And I look in and the dumpster is empty.
Brian Ehrenworth:I got shivers when it's just thinking about it, just thinking about it again.
Brian Ehrenworth:So in keeping, did you know at this point, how many jerseys there would have been,
Brian Ehrenworth:or no, but you got to figure there's two.
Brian Ehrenworth:This is.
Brian Ehrenworth:According to what I've found out later, this is his whole life's collection
Brian Ehrenworth:of every Jersey that he's ever worn.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Every, every Jersey, not every Jersey he's ever worn,
Mikey Ehrenworth:but every Jersey that he's figured would be important enough to keep.
Brian Ehrenworth:Right.
Brian Ehrenworth:Right.
Brian Ehrenworth:So now I'm looking at this empty, empty dumpster.
Brian Ehrenworth:And I tell my, my, uh, general manager at the time, Chris, I said,
Brian Ehrenworth:Chris, get on the phone and find out where they take this garbage to, we
Brian Ehrenworth:got to stop them from dumping it.
Brian Ehrenworth:Right.
Brian Ehrenworth:And so he does it's uh, I guess these companies are hoping fairly early, too.
Brian Ehrenworth:It's now about eight 30 and I am just beside myself.
Brian Ehrenworth:He comes back and he says, well, the good news is our, our company
Brian Ehrenworth:that picks up the garbage is up at highway seven and Woodbine.
Brian Ehrenworth:Right.
Brian Ehrenworth:Which isn't too far away.
Brian Ehrenworth:So I said, okay.
Brian Ehrenworth:I grabbed everybody from the plant that I can.
Brian Ehrenworth:It was about seven, eight people.
Brian Ehrenworth:Figuring they dumped it up at Woodbine and seven.
Brian Ehrenworth:Right.
Brian Ehrenworth:And we hop into two cars.
Brian Ehrenworth:I had just, I bought a brand new BMW.
Brian Ehrenworth:I'll get into that later.
Brian Ehrenworth:And I take as many as I can in my car.
Brian Ehrenworth:And then my, my other foreman takes them as many as he can in his car.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Now, what was your intention at this time?
Mikey Ehrenworth:Well, like, like what did you think going up there to dig through the garbage or
Mikey Ehrenworth:find out where they dumped this stuff.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Right?
Brian Ehrenworth:Because I'm thinking it's highway seven and which is about,
Brian Ehrenworth:I don't know, 20 miles away from here.
Brian Ehrenworth:Right.
Brian Ehrenworth:And kilometers.
Brian Ehrenworth:So we end up going into, uh, into the offices and I start, I don't want to tell
Brian Ehrenworth:them what, what we're missing, because maybe somebody is going to go look for
Brian Ehrenworth:a jerseys and keep them for themselves.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:So I'm just saying we lost something very important.
Brian Ehrenworth:I got to get the garbage bags back.
Brian Ehrenworth:And the lady looks at me like I have two heads.
Brian Ehrenworth:She says, well, the garbage isn't here.
Brian Ehrenworth:And I said, what do you mean?
Brian Ehrenworth:It's not here.
Brian Ehrenworth:They told us, he said, this is our offices.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:So those trucks come in, they take the stuff across the street to
Brian Ehrenworth:this big dump, they dump it out.
Brian Ehrenworth:And then these other big trucks, uh, bulldoze it into the trucks and they
Brian Ehrenworth:take it off to two or three dumps right around the, around the country.
Brian Ehrenworth:I said, what do you mean.
Brian Ehrenworth:She says, well, the owner of the company, or one of the big managers
Brian Ehrenworth:he'll explain, but they're in a meeting for about another 40 minutes.
Brian Ehrenworth:So we can't disturb them.
Brian Ehrenworth:Now I'm dying.
Brian Ehrenworth:Now you got to wait 40 minutes, 40 minutes.
Brian Ehrenworth:I don't know where they are.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Is that the longest 40 minutes of your life?
Brian Ehrenworth:I remember picking up the phone to Brad.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:And he's again, being the ride.
Brian Ehrenworth:My buddy, that set me up with this and he had just signed
Brian Ehrenworth:a deal with Rick for sticks.
Brian Ehrenworth:So now he's and I said, Brad, I got a problem.
Brian Ehrenworth:He says, what's the problem.
Brian Ehrenworth:I said, I told them the story that jerseys are missing.
Brian Ehrenworth:He said, they went in the garbage and Brad's not the calmest guy in the world.
Brian Ehrenworth:The F bomb started flying.
Brian Ehrenworth:You get those goddamn jerseys back off, fucking kill.
Brian Ehrenworth:You I'll do whatever it's going to be.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Right.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And, and, and it's worth saying that this, this relationship you had with Brad
Mikey Ehrenworth:Janson was not just a professional one.
Mikey Ehrenworth:You guys were good friends.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Like you would, you, you still are like you guys, you guys talk all the time,
Mikey Ehrenworth:which I guess kind of foreshadows the potential end of the story, but, but
Mikey Ehrenworth:it's important to bring up because the.
Mikey Ehrenworth:You know, Brad, wasn't likely to just drop F bombs and, and stuff
Mikey Ehrenworth:like this, unless the situation were as dire as one like this,
Brian Ehrenworth:Not at me, and first of all, he's worried about his contract
Brian Ehrenworth:and his relationship with Rick Nash.
Brian Ehrenworth:I then got off.
Brian Ehrenworth:I said, Brad, what do you want me to do?
Brian Ehrenworth:I'm waiting for the people.
Brian Ehrenworth:I'll tell you what he says.
Brian Ehrenworth:I don't care what it takes, but you get those jerseys back.
Brian Ehrenworth:Now I get off the phone to, uh, my insurance.
Brian Ehrenworth:Agent.
Brian Ehrenworth:Right.
Brian Ehrenworth:And I asked him, I said, what happens if we lose these jerseys that I told him
Brian Ehrenworth:the circumstances I said, are we insured?
Brian Ehrenworth:He said, no.
Brian Ehrenworth:Now I'm thinking not for something like this.
Brian Ehrenworth:I'm thinking this is my company down the tubes.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:Like if, if re if we lose these jerseys and Rick sues me.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:I've got no recourse.
Brian Ehrenworth:Right.
Brian Ehrenworth:So now I'm absolutely desperate.
Brian Ehrenworth:And I'm waiting and I'm waiting.
Brian Ehrenworth:And the guys finally came and I told him, I said, we we've lost this stuff.
Brian Ehrenworth:It's really important.
Brian Ehrenworth:The guys who were in the meeting, like the management, the management,
Brian Ehrenworth:and he says, well, he says, uh, Uh, he, he kind of poo-pooed it.
Brian Ehrenworth:And it's not gonna, you know, there's not much we can do.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Did he give you the impression that anyone has entire life
Mikey Ehrenworth:had ever come to him with a proposition like this saying, I need to go
Brian Ehrenworth:one.
Brian Ehrenworth:I didn't tell him what it was right at first.
Brian Ehrenworth:Right.
Brian Ehrenworth:And then he says, look, these, these jerseys could have
Brian Ehrenworth:gone to one of three sites.
Brian Ehrenworth:And I said, well, then at one point I just said, I got to tell them what it
Brian Ehrenworth:is and tell them how important it is.
Brian Ehrenworth:She said, are you a hockey fan?
Brian Ehrenworth:He said, yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:And I told him, this is Rick Nash's game-worn jerseys from his career.
Brian Ehrenworth:He says, well, he says, I don't want to say this to you.
Brian Ehrenworth:But he said last week, a lady.
Brian Ehrenworth:Came in looking for a paper bag that she had $20,000 in from her wedding.
Brian Ehrenworth:Oh, mistakenly got thrown in the garbage.
Brian Ehrenworth:She said, never got found.
Brian Ehrenworth:Oh my God.
Brian Ehrenworth:So that didn't make me feel too.
Mikey Ehrenworth:No, of course not.
Mikey Ehrenworth:So he said, but I'll tell you, especially because somehow these two garbage
Mikey Ehrenworth:bags would be worth way more than that small paper bag of 20,000 back in
Mikey Ehrenworth:those days, it was a game or Jersey.
Brian Ehrenworth:I didn't know, but today..
Mikey Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:So he says, well, you know what?
Brian Ehrenworth:They went to one of three dumps.
Brian Ehrenworth:One's in Detroit, one's up in thunder Bay or something.
Brian Ehrenworth:And one's in London, Ontario.
Brian Ehrenworth:Right?
Brian Ehrenworth:He says, if it's in Detroit, you got no hope.
Brian Ehrenworth:They won't let you anywhere near that site.
Brian Ehrenworth:By this time it's on its way, whatever.
Brian Ehrenworth:Uh, it's now about 11 o'clock in the morning, the stuff got
Brian Ehrenworth:picked up the night before.
Brian Ehrenworth:So it's probably at the dump by then.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:He said the one in thunder Bay.
Brian Ehrenworth:Probably not that's I don't know what it was.
Brian Ehrenworth:So eight hours away or yeah, yeah, yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:He says I will phone the one in London.
Brian Ehrenworth:I said, well, Rick Knight, Rick Nash played for the London Knights.
Brian Ehrenworth:So I said, maybe somebody there knows, you know, maybe they'll
Brian Ehrenworth:go out of there for sure.
Brian Ehrenworth:Or whatever.
Brian Ehrenworth:So he phones the site and I said, tell him, I'll pay whatever it takes.
Brian Ehrenworth:Stop dumping stuff.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:The good news about garbage companies is they know exactly
Brian Ehrenworth:where the trucks are going.
Brian Ehrenworth:What quadrat
Mikey Ehrenworth:very organized, right?
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:So the truck goes, so he comes back about 25 minutes later and he says, good news.
Brian Ehrenworth:They went to where they're dumping it.
Brian Ehrenworth:They found a Jersey, one of his jerseys in the dump.
Brian Ehrenworth:He said, doesn't mean they all went there, but most likely they did right.
Brian Ehrenworth:I said, so basically they have the ability to know where it would have been picked
Brian Ehrenworth:up where then at the central sorting agency, the garbage would have been.
Brian Ehrenworth:And then from there where it likely would have been dumped at the end
Brian Ehrenworth:location, that is an insane level.
Brian Ehrenworth:It's almost like if you gave them two garbage bags, full of a players
Brian Ehrenworth:jerseys, they probably, we wouldn't have lost it in the first time.
Brian Ehrenworth:It was, it was nuts.
Brian Ehrenworth:So now I'm going to preface this by saying.
Brian Ehrenworth:It is a Friday of the long weekend in July.
Brian Ehrenworth:And if you look back and check the record books, this was one
Brian Ehrenworth:of the hottest days and years.
Brian Ehrenworth:It got up to about a hundred degrees.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I think it was hottest day on record for
Mikey Ehrenworth:that day in Toronto's history.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Right.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Which when you know, you're about to be going to a dump
Mikey Ehrenworth:is not what you want to hear.
Brian Ehrenworth:No.
Brian Ehrenworth:And then I'm thinking, okay, tell him to stop dumping.
Brian Ehrenworth:I will pay whatever the fees are, whatever it takes to stop dumping.
Brian Ehrenworth:I said, we're on our way.
Brian Ehrenworth:And we dry start driving down there.
Brian Ehrenworth:Two carloads full of people.
Brian Ehrenworth:There's probably eight of us.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Well, first of all, cause you were, you were
Mikey Ehrenworth:gathering a group of people together.
Mikey Ehrenworth:You were like, like the beginning of a, an ocean's 11 movie.
Mikey Ehrenworth:You had like a whiteboard you're gathering you're you're putting the crew together.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Right, right.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And you go in yeah.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Uh, my brother at the time Chris was working, uh, for the company and wasn't
Mikey Ehrenworth:really loving the role that he was in.
Brian Ehrenworth:We put them in the factory,
Mikey Ehrenworth:put them in, put them in the factory.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And he, uh, he was a young kid at the time and wanted to be out doing other things.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And he was so miserable doing what he was doing, that when he heard that there was
Mikey Ehrenworth:an opportunity to leave the office, even though it meant trudging through trash in
Mikey Ehrenworth:the hottest day on record, he volunteered quicker than anyone else in the car.
Brian Ehrenworth:He was loving it.
Brian Ehrenworth:He says it was the most exciting thing he's done all summer.
Mikey Ehrenworth:It's a field trip and he didn't yet have to
Mikey Ehrenworth:get a note from his parents.
Brian Ehrenworth:It was crazy.
Brian Ehrenworth:So I gathered all these people and we head straight to London and on the
Brian Ehrenworth:way we stopped at a Walmart and got everybody, I bought everybody work,
Brian Ehrenworth:boots, helmets, whatever it took that I thought that they would make sure that we
Brian Ehrenworth:had to have on to get onto a work site.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Right.
Mikey Ehrenworth:You don't want to show up and them say, yeah, it's great that you have 20
Mikey Ehrenworth:people, but you don't have your boot.
Mikey Ehrenworth:You need your steel toe shoes you need.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:So everybody got new equipment.
Brian Ehrenworth:And then we head to the site and they, they lead us out to the quadrant
Brian Ehrenworth:where they had dumped the jerseys.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Did they charge you anything to stop the dumping or no?
Brian Ehrenworth:No.
Brian Ehrenworth:The guy was very, I mean, these were really nice people.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:Uh, the dumps in London, again, Chris or Rick played there.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:So they all knew about it and they were all happy to help out and see
Brian Ehrenworth:if we could recover these things.
Brian Ehrenworth:So we pull up in the quadrant.
Brian Ehrenworth:And there's literally a mountain of garbage.
Brian Ehrenworth:Like we had to climb up, I don't know, 50 feet to get to the top of the mountain
Mikey Ehrenworth:50 feet of garbage of garbage.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Oh my God.
Brian Ehrenworth:We opened the car door.
Brian Ehrenworth:It's now about 95 degrees at noon and it smells so bad
Brian Ehrenworth:that Chris got out of the car,
Mikey Ehrenworth:Chris, my brother, or your son,
Brian Ehrenworth:and threw up immediately.
Brian Ehrenworth:So now we go up to the top of the Hill.
Mikey Ehrenworth:The good news is for him.
Mikey Ehrenworth:He was actually hung over and he just hit it by not actually, sorry, Chris.
Brian Ehrenworth:We go up to the top of the Hill and we start digging.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah, we got pitchforks, but we, you know, we gotta be careful not to it's like an,
Brian Ehrenworth:our, our contextual or archeologists.
Brian Ehrenworth:So you gotta be careful not to.
Brian Ehrenworth:Hurt or damage anything and the crap that we're going through, literally
Brian Ehrenworth:the crap that you're and we find one Jersey and we find two jerseys.
Brian Ehrenworth:The problem is because now in Las Vegas celebrating his 21st birthday.
Mikey Ehrenworth:So tell this, so, so when you, when you were speaking
Mikey Ehrenworth:to Brad that first time before he basically said, Uh, call me when
Mikey Ehrenworth:it's solved or don't call me at all.
Mikey Ehrenworth:He basically write out that ultimatum.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Cause you had asked him whether or not he could check with Rick to see how
Mikey Ehrenworth:many, how manyjerseysare looking for.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Yeah, we didn't know.
Mikey Ehrenworth:We, all we received was two garbage bags full of jerseys, and we didn't
Mikey Ehrenworth:know how many were there, what they were, what colors they were to look for.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And Brad said to you.
Brian Ehrenworth:You don't don't I'm not bothering Rick.
Brian Ehrenworth:He's celebrating his time.
Brian Ehrenworth:I don't even want to bring it up to him.
Brian Ehrenworth:I'm not phoning his agent.
Brian Ehrenworth:It was Joe Resnick.
Brian Ehrenworth:He says, I'm not phoning the agent.
Brian Ehrenworth:I'm not phoning.
Brian Ehrenworth:I just find the goddamn jerseys.
Brian Ehrenworth:You're not going to come back with without them.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Cause he's out in Vegas celebrating his 21st
Mikey Ehrenworth:birthday, Rick Nash's right?
Mikey Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Mikey Ehrenworth:So, so while this is going on, Rick has no idea,
Brian Ehrenworth:no idea, DIA, and we don't know how
Brian Ehrenworth:many jerseys we're looking for.
Brian Ehrenworth:Right?
Brian Ehrenworth:So we're there til about four o'clock.
Brian Ehrenworth:We find one Jersey here, one Jersey there.
Brian Ehrenworth:I think we got up to 11 jerseys.
Brian Ehrenworth:So I'm thinking that's not too bad.
Brian Ehrenworth:We even found some hockey socks, but I didn't think they
Brian Ehrenworth:would, they belong to him.
Brian Ehrenworth:We'll just go to diaper.
Brian Ehrenworth:We pretty sure that wasn't him.
Brian Ehrenworth:So now we get all these jerseys, uh, team Canada.
Brian Ehrenworth:I remember finding his is a all star Jersey.
Brian Ehrenworth:We didn't know.
Brian Ehrenworth:Some of them didn't have names on them.
Brian Ehrenworth:So it was like he had his like Bantam Jersey.
Brian Ehrenworth:Oh yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:All that.
Brian Ehrenworth:So we have about 11 jerseys.
Brian Ehrenworth:And then we get, uh, one of the guys that was from the company of
Brian Ehrenworth:the garbage company, come out to the site and said, sorry, boys,
Brian Ehrenworth:but you're going to have to leave.
Brian Ehrenworth:Now keepin mind,.
Brian Ehrenworth:After we found the 11th, um, we search for another hour, hour
Brian Ehrenworth:and a half without finding any.
Brian Ehrenworth:And in fact, one guy climbed up into the dump truck and found a Jersey up there
Brian Ehrenworth:about stuff that hadn't been dumped out.
Brian Ehrenworth:Oh, wow.
Brian Ehrenworth:But that was about it.
Brian Ehrenworth:And we hadn't found one in about an hour, hour and a half and we've dug down.
Brian Ehrenworth:I mean, how far down are you going to dig?
Brian Ehrenworth:Right.
Brian Ehrenworth:So I'd said I, maybe that's all there was, we haven't found any more.
Brian Ehrenworth:The first 11 came pretty easily.
Brian Ehrenworth:So I just said, you know what?
Brian Ehrenworth:It is, what it is.
Brian Ehrenworth:We're not going to find any more.
Brian Ehrenworth:And he said, well, the reason we quit anyways, was the guy said,
Brian Ehrenworth:there's some, it's that hot a day.
Brian Ehrenworth:There's one of those summer thunderstorms coming in and lightning and thunder.
Brian Ehrenworth:You have to get off the site.
Brian Ehrenworth:If you want to come back, you're welcome to come back tomorrow.
Brian Ehrenworth:We'll stop digging here and doing whatever.
Mikey Ehrenworth:But now the garbage is going to be soggy and wet.
Brian Ehrenworth:One.
Brian Ehrenworth:It's a safety issue.
Brian Ehrenworth:You can't be on the site with the lightning coming in.
Brian Ehrenworth:So off we go, my brand new BMW, six guys, or I had four guys in my car, uh, that had
Brian Ehrenworth:been working in the dump the whole time.
Brian Ehrenworth:They hadn't eaten all day.
Brian Ehrenworth:They want to, after all these, well, no, they were starved
Brian Ehrenworth:and they were working hard.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:And this car, I didn't even let the kids eat chicken McNuggets in my new car
Mikey Ehrenworth:I can attest to that.
Mikey Ehrenworth:There was no, if we, if you know how sometimes when a kid has
Mikey Ehrenworth:something to eat and it's like half an hour before you can go swimming.
Mikey Ehrenworth:If we had anything to eat, we had to wait an hour before sitting in the
Mikey Ehrenworth:back of your car because you were so protective over the way, this thing.
Brian Ehrenworth:Now I got four guys that have been digging in
Brian Ehrenworth:a dump, the car just reeked.
Brian Ehrenworth:And we had the jerseys in the trunk, which was kind of
Brian Ehrenworth:permeating through the back seat.
Brian Ehrenworth:So now we're on our way back.
Brian Ehrenworth:We got to stop at a stop at the gas station on the way,
Brian Ehrenworth:get them something to eat.
Brian Ehrenworth:And while we're on the way back, I have a good friend or I had a good friend
Brian Ehrenworth:that I golf with his name's bill fully.
Brian Ehrenworth:And bill had a Parkhurst cleaners at the time.
Brian Ehrenworth:Oh.
Brian Ehrenworth:So I phone bill and I say, bill, we've got these jerseys, uh, it's a Friday of
Brian Ehrenworth:a long weekend, but I said, you gotta come meet me at your cleaning store.
Brian Ehrenworth:And we got to look at these because I got to get every
Brian Ehrenworth:stain, anything that's on them.
Brian Ehrenworth:I got to get off and they gotta be brand new.
Brian Ehrenworth:Your back they're original shape.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yep.
Brian Ehrenworth:So we go back, we bring it all back.
Brian Ehrenworth:And the 11 jerseys I'm sitting there and he's looking at the
Brian Ehrenworth:stains, he said, Brian, he says, I can get these out, but it's almost
Brian Ehrenworth:like a toothbrush with cleaning.
Brian Ehrenworth:You can't just put them in the machine, get them out.
Brian Ehrenworth:We have to like spend hours.
Brian Ehrenworth:I said, bill, whatever it takes.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:Just do it for me.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:So he says, fine.
Mikey Ehrenworth:How dirty were the jerseys of this?
Mikey Ehrenworth:Where were they?
Brian Ehrenworth:Little stains and things on them.
Brian Ehrenworth:They were actually not too bad, but they were dirty.
Brian Ehrenworth:They were sitting in a dump.
Brian Ehrenworth:Right.
Brian Ehrenworth:And some of them were below surface.
Brian Ehrenworth:So, so he said, okay, I'll do that for you.
Brian Ehrenworth:There was actually, the good news was there was not a lot of damage.
Brian Ehrenworth:There was no damage to them.
Brian Ehrenworth:Right.
Brian Ehrenworth:So for the most part, I thought there was one Jersey.
Brian Ehrenworth:One, one was a little torn and that we, that was fine.
Brian Ehrenworth:I had a little hole in it.
Brian Ehrenworth:So that's being done.
Brian Ehrenworth:I'm devastated, but we found 11.
Brian Ehrenworth:I don't know how many are there, but we're going to be okay now I'm just beat up.
Brian Ehrenworth:I go, I play golf every Saturday morning.
Brian Ehrenworth:So I, uh, I phoned Brad and told them we got 11.
Brian Ehrenworth:I don't know how many are there, but that's all we could find.
Brian Ehrenworth:He said, okay, well, that's the best you can do.
Brian Ehrenworth:And he couldn't believe actually after giving me all that crap that
Brian Ehrenworth:we actually did that when I told him the story of how we were on the
Brian Ehrenworth:dump on the hottest day of the year.
Brian Ehrenworth:So he was pretty amazed that we went that far and happy that we found 11 jerseys.
Brian Ehrenworth:I'm playing golf the next morning.
Brian Ehrenworth:I'm coming through the nines.
Mikey Ehrenworth:How are you golfing that day?
Brian Ehrenworth:Uh, not, well, I was going to say your mind may
Brian Ehrenworth:have been one of it elsewhere.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:And I get a phone call coming through the nines where I pick up my phone.
Brian Ehrenworth:Cause it didn't typically have it and you weren't allowed to use it.
Brian Ehrenworth:So I checked my messages and it was mano my foreman.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:And he says, uh, good news.
Brian Ehrenworth:He said, what do you mean good news?
Brian Ehrenworth:He says, well, we found 10 more jerseys.
Brian Ehrenworth:I said you, what, where, where are you?
Brian Ehrenworth:He says, well, I took the crew back London.
Brian Ehrenworth:Didn't tell me.
Brian Ehrenworth:Wow.
Brian Ehrenworth:He felt so bad about throwing them out in the garbage, in the first
Brian Ehrenworth:place that he took the same crew back, or at least five of the guys.
Brian Ehrenworth:And if they found 10 more jerseys, they had to be digging three feet down.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:Right.
Brian Ehrenworth:Because we couldn't find them for an hour and a half.
Brian Ehrenworth:That brought it up to 21.
Brian Ehrenworth:Now I know we gotta be closed because it have to be how many more jerseys
Brian Ehrenworth:can you fit into garbage bags?
Brian Ehrenworth:So I phoned bill, we go back, blah, blah.
Brian Ehrenworth:We ended up getting all these jerseys cleaned.
Brian Ehrenworth:I bring them back to the office.
Brian Ehrenworth:I get them all framed up.
Brian Ehrenworth:And then by that time, uh, spoke four or five days later, Rick comes back to the
Brian Ehrenworth:city and I said, Brad, bring them in.
Brian Ehrenworth:And, uh, he says, okay.
Brian Ehrenworth:And Rick sitting in my office,
Mikey Ehrenworth:did, did Brad tell him anything?
Brian Ehrenworth:No.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Nothing.
Mikey Ehrenworth:So Rick's coming in here just expecting to see whether we did a nice frame,
Mikey Ehrenworth:not whether you had his jerseys.
Brian Ehrenworth:So I had a 21 and I don't even know.
Brian Ehrenworth:We still don't know if any are missing.
Brian Ehrenworth:Okay.
Brian Ehrenworth:At this point in time.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah, no, we've got 21.
Brian Ehrenworth:There could have been 25.
Brian Ehrenworth:Right.
Brian Ehrenworth:So, um, Rick is in my office.
Brian Ehrenworth:And I start going through the story and he, his mouth just drops.
Brian Ehrenworth:Like, I don't know whether he's going to jump over the table and pound me out.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:Or whether he's thrilled that we found some.
Brian Ehrenworth:Um, but I went through the whole story and said, now we've got 21 jerseys.
Brian Ehrenworth:I don't know if there's any missing.
Brian Ehrenworth:And I apologize if they are, but.
Brian Ehrenworth:And he looked at me what a nice guy.
Brian Ehrenworth:He just, I was so worried about having this conversation.
Brian Ehrenworth:He looked at me and he said, I can't believe you went to all that
Brian Ehrenworth:trouble to get my jerseys back.
Brian Ehrenworth:He says, I can't believe he did that.
Brian Ehrenworth:He said, you're a ma, he was complimenting me.
Brian Ehrenworth:I threw your jerseys out.
Brian Ehrenworth:I lost your jerseys.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:I said, how about we do this?
Brian Ehrenworth:We go into the showroom.
Brian Ehrenworth:And I said, we're going to look at all the jerseys and see if you can
Brian Ehrenworth:tell me if there's any missing.
Brian Ehrenworth:Sure.
Brian Ehrenworth:And he walked around the show.
Brian Ehrenworth:They were all framed, looking gorgeous and clean toothbrush and he looks through it.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And the first thing he says is what stinks??
Brian Ehrenworth:No, we got all the smell out.
Brian Ehrenworth:So you looked at, and whether he was just being gracious
Brian Ehrenworth:enough, but I, I don't think so.
Brian Ehrenworth:He said there's only one Jersey missing and that's one I didn't care about.
Brian Ehrenworth:So.
Brian Ehrenworth:I went, Oh my God.
Brian Ehrenworth:That's that's amazing.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:So I said to Rick, I said, you know what, here's what we're going to do.
Brian Ehrenworth:One.
Brian Ehrenworth:You're not paying for any of this.
Brian Ehrenworth:Right.
Brian Ehrenworth:Okay.
Brian Ehrenworth:So 21 jerseys was quite a bit of money for me at the time.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:And I said, and my foreman, mano, who is a superstar, um, made that one, one
Brian Ehrenworth:little mistake, but which isn't really the only mistake he's ever, ever made.
Brian Ehrenworth:I mean, he's like the best employee.
Brian Ehrenworth:So.
Brian Ehrenworth:I said, we're going to send them to Columbus with all the jerseys.
Brian Ehrenworth:We're not letting them out of our sight.
Brian Ehrenworth:Right.
Brian Ehrenworth:And he's going to hang them all wherever you want them.
Brian Ehrenworth:So it's all professionally done.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yep.
Brian Ehrenworth:And we, he spent a couple of days going down to Columbus, hang in
Brian Ehrenworth:the jerseys and getting them ready.
Brian Ehrenworth:And that's the Rick Nash story.
Brian Ehrenworth:That is amazing.
Brian Ehrenworth:And my wife says, if you write a book, you got to, the chapters,
Brian Ehrenworth:got to be called a Rick trash.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I made that name up.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I made that name.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Come on.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I mean, the listeners will know by this point that no good puns get past me.
Mikey Ehrenworth:That's uh, that's about all that.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I'm good for here.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I can't believe I, I know how that story ends and I'm on pins and needles.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Every time I hear about it.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Um, what was Brad Janson reaction by the end of it?
Brian Ehrenworth:Uh, I think he gave me a big hug and a kiss.
Brian Ehrenworth:Like Brad was a very intense personality.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:Always.
Brian Ehrenworth:I mean, that, that was Brad.
Brian Ehrenworth:He's friends with all the players.
Brian Ehrenworth:He knows everybody from Wayne Gretzky, and that's a whole other story.
Brian Ehrenworth:We'll get.
Brian Ehrenworth:And we'll get Brad's take on this too.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Well, I was going to say, so I was going to
Mikey Ehrenworth:kind of tease this at the, but, uh, you've heard our perspective
Mikey Ehrenworth:and, and the scared perspective that we had throughout all of this.
Mikey Ehrenworth:If you want to hear the perspective of the person who, uh, would have had to bear the
Mikey Ehrenworth:brunt of that news to his newly signed.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Client in Rick Nash, Brad will come on the podcast and in a couple of
Mikey Ehrenworth:weeks time and give his perspective, which is as unique, a perspective.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I think, as you can get, you know, you have, you have us scrambling to do it,
Mikey Ehrenworth:and you have someone else who thinks that one of his best friends just
Mikey Ehrenworth:screwed him out of the best relationship that he can have with an athlete.
Brian Ehrenworth:Brad's whole reputation was all about doing things right
Brian Ehrenworth:for the players and Brad Brad's was.
Brian Ehrenworth:Very anal about making sure nothing went wrong.
Brian Ehrenworth:So this was beyond his control, but I do have to mention, um, and I've said this
Brian Ehrenworth:already, how gracious Rick Nash was?
Brian Ehrenworth:What a gentleman he was.
Brian Ehrenworth:I mean, he could have.
Brian Ehrenworth:Taking me to task.
Brian Ehrenworth:He could have sued us.
Brian Ehrenworth:He could have done whatever he wanted.
Brian Ehrenworth:Well, I mean, we got all the Jersey back for the most part, but, but he was
Brian Ehrenworth:just so gracious and almost an awe, uh, what we, the trouble we went through to
Brian Ehrenworth:get through, but it was one of the most harrowing days I've ever spent in my life.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:Not the most comfortable.
Brian Ehrenworth:Um, I had to sell the car.
Mikey Ehrenworth:This is like the episode of Seinfeld with the . The the,
Mikey Ehrenworth:uh, no, but it's amazing because, uh, I recall that the end of this not only was,
Mikey Ehrenworth:was Rick Nash, you know, gracious and very understanding about the situation.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Uh, and, and I think that kind of speaks to what we've already
Mikey Ehrenworth:spoken about on this podcast, which is the majority of the athletes.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Like the vast majority of the athletes that we deal with in
Mikey Ehrenworth:particular in hockey are just.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Some of the, not, not just good people for famous athletes, but
Mikey Ehrenworth:just salt of the earth human beings.
Mikey Ehrenworth:You could think about someone like Jonathan Toews when we have a signing
Mikey Ehrenworth:with him, for example, and he's hard to get out of the room so that we can
Mikey Ehrenworth:clean up after the signing, because he wants to be there to help us.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Like, dude, you've got things to do.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Like we, you know, everyone we deal with, Sidney's no different, like
Mikey Ehrenworth:everyone we get in these rooms with.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Uh, just seem to be the go out of their way to be the best humans that they can.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And I remember at the end of this didn't we actually sign a deal with Rick Nash for
Mikey Ehrenworth:his exclusive, uh, autograph rights at the end that he was so thrilled made the deal.
Brian Ehrenworth:It was a, an autograph deal that we did at the time.
Brian Ehrenworth:And of course he was such a great player, a great star.
Brian Ehrenworth:But for him to stay on with us.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:And the fact that we actually did framing for other players
Brian Ehrenworth:and still they know, well, maybe lightning doesn't strike twice.
Brian Ehrenworth:Fair.
Brian Ehrenworth:Never struck us on the, on the dumpsite dumpsite, the lightning didn't man.
Brian Ehrenworth:Although I was kind of maybe hoping it wouldn't put me out
Brian Ehrenworth:of my niece or your misery.
Brian Ehrenworth:I see.
Mikey Ehrenworth:That's one of those things that I worry, you know,
Mikey Ehrenworth:you, you find yourself in these situations and there is just no out.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Either face the music or you do it.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And, and, you know, as, as a kid, I remember growing up and it was
Mikey Ehrenworth:impossible to not get something done because you would always say, Mikey,
Mikey Ehrenworth:there's always a way to get it done.
Mikey Ehrenworth:If I said I didn't do something.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And you said, why not?
Mikey Ehrenworth:Everything that I said afterwards, didn't matter because if you
Mikey Ehrenworth:wanted to get it done enough, you could have is what you would.
Brian Ehrenworth:That's that's always been my mantra if you, if
Brian Ehrenworth:you, uh, there's always a way.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:And if I was of the nature that, um, I didn't believe that.
Brian Ehrenworth:I would have just, Hey, you know, how many people at that site at
Brian Ehrenworth:Woodbine and seven told me go home.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:There's no chance you're going to get these back.
Brian Ehrenworth:Not a chance in the world.
Brian Ehrenworth:Right.
Brian Ehrenworth:They, they sent me home about three times.
Brian Ehrenworth:I said, I'm not leaving until I speak to the manager.
Brian Ehrenworth:Right.
Brian Ehrenworth:And, uh, you know, eventually he, he made a few phone calls for me.
Brian Ehrenworth:It, I begged, I pleaded please make a call if there's any chance, whatever.
Brian Ehrenworth:And he did it.
Brian Ehrenworth:So.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:There's, there's always, there's always a solution to the problem if you put enough.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And, and you know, it, it, it draws that thread that I didn't know, we were
Mikey Ehrenworth:going to be drawing when we started this podcast, but, you know, there's, there's
Mikey Ehrenworth:a large element of hard work that goes into solving this problem that you did,
Mikey Ehrenworth:but there is an element of a fortune, and it's very fortuitous that the jerseys
Mikey Ehrenworth:ended up in the one of three dumps that we had access to in the first place.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I remember them specifically saying if this went right.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Across the border to Detroit or was it Windsor?
Mikey Ehrenworth:Uh, it was Detroit, Detroit.
Mikey Ehrenworth:They said if it's Detroit, the U S is way more strict on who
Mikey Ehrenworth:they'll allow on the dumpsite.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Yeah, it's gone.
Mikey Ehrenworth:If it's thunder Bay, by the time you get there, eight hours
Mikey Ehrenworth:away, not a chance it's gone.
Mikey Ehrenworth:This was the only, only place it plays into the gun.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And, and of course the, the people that were running that dump in London were big
Mikey Ehrenworth:hockey fans, new Ricks, just so happens.
Mikey Ehrenworth:We played there.
Mikey Ehrenworth:It just, the way that these things go.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I mean, a lot of people I think get in that situation, the mistake happens and
Mikey Ehrenworth:they say, well, Who could have predicted that, that, uh, uh, uh, garbage bag is
Mikey Ehrenworth:going to be thrown out, like never would have thought that's going to happen
Mikey Ehrenworth:and just left that like, well, Nope.
Mikey Ehrenworth:They told us that if it goes to two of the three that they can't, and even if it's at
Mikey Ehrenworth:the one, we're probably not gonna get it.
Mikey Ehrenworth:So I, I left like, look, what do you want me to do?
Mikey Ehrenworth:You, you know, you, you, you express.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Surprised at the fact that Rick Nash and, and whomever was involved in this
Mikey Ehrenworth:story were appreciative of the lengths that you went to to get the jerseys back.
Mikey Ehrenworth:But I do think that that's special.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Mikey Ehrenworth:We started this off saying that everyone makes mistakes.
Mikey Ehrenworth:That's common.
Mikey Ehrenworth:That's, that's so cliche that you hear it from grade one onwards, but not everyone
Mikey Ehrenworth:goes to the lengths that you went to to ensure that those mistakes are rectified.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Uh, and, and that is very impressive as soon as like how
Mikey Ehrenworth:many people by show of hands.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And obviously we can't see you at home, but, but do do this for us.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Raise your hands.
Mikey Ehrenworth:How many people have been within a mile of a dump, let alone
Mikey Ehrenworth:trudging through it, knee deep.
Mikey Ehrenworth:It's a bizarre situation that you found yourself.
Mikey Ehrenworth:You know, one of the things I should point it while I have already pointed
Mikey Ehrenworth:out, but what an amazing staff I have.
Brian Ehrenworth:I mean, I didn't go back to the dump the next day.
Brian Ehrenworth:I figured it was done.
Brian Ehrenworth:There's no way we're going to find it to get that call.
Brian Ehrenworth:On the, on the 10th tee.
Brian Ehrenworth:Uh, while I'm playing golf, they're still digging through the right.
Brian Ehrenworth:Th my staff is the most amazing staff you could ever work with, um,
Brian Ehrenworth:mano in particular, but everybody that went there and started
Brian Ehrenworth:searching and doing all that stuff.
Brian Ehrenworth:What, what a team.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:And that's why.
Brian Ehrenworth:I think our company is so successful.
Brian Ehrenworth:We've got, we've got a great team behind us
Mikey Ehrenworth:and you need that sort of thing.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And this is one of those stories as well, that, that, uh, you know, you and I have
Mikey Ehrenworth:traveled quite a bit, uh, uh, in relation to the company and the business that
Mikey Ehrenworth:we do to all-star games, to meetings, uh, with, with larger clients and
Mikey Ehrenworth:companies and the number of times that.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Someone in the room will, will have heard of this story.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And we'll ask you to tell it.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And now you have all of the people who I would have been happy just to
Mikey Ehrenworth:be sitting around, hanging on your, every word as you go through this.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I'm talking athletes, players, presidents of clubs, everything.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I mean that you, you, this is the kind of story that, that when we
Mikey Ehrenworth:first talked about having a podcast, I was like, This one has to be told.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I wanted to be told early, we considered having this as the
Mikey Ehrenworth:first episode on the podcast.
Mikey Ehrenworth:What I want to start there.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I think you had some concerns about like,
Brian Ehrenworth:you know, I've told that story to Wayne Gretzky who sat?
Brian Ehrenworth:Nah.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:Like he just.
Brian Ehrenworth:Now Wayne's got a lot on his plate.
Brian Ehrenworth:And of course, people needing to see him and all that stuff, but he sat
Brian Ehrenworth:there for a good, I mean, I gave him a bit of a brief created version.
Brian Ehrenworth:He sat there for a good 20 minutes and didn't say a word.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:And, and it's happened to a number of other players too, cause they just go w.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Wow.
Mikey Ehrenworth:That's amazing.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Now, whenever, whenever you have a new client coming in and asking you to
Mikey Ehrenworth:frame some of their jerseys, do you tell them, do not put it in a garbage bag?
Mikey Ehrenworth:What do you say to them?
Mikey Ehrenworth:How do you prevent this from happening again?
Brian Ehrenworth:There's not a garbage bag here that gets
Brian Ehrenworth:thrown out with somebody, making sure that there's nothing in it.
Mikey Ehrenworth:There's an entire role.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Frameworth on their business card that says garbage checker
Mikey Ehrenworth:and before it goes in there.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Yeah, no, um, it's, it's a fantastic story.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I love hearing that one and we have tons of stories like that coming up.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I mean, that one is, is, is, you know, among the best, but I can't wait because
Mikey Ehrenworth:for every one of those stories where something went wrong and we fixed it,
Mikey Ehrenworth:there's a crazy story of fortune that, and, and, and you just being right
Mikey Ehrenworth:place, right time in a similar way.
Mikey Ehrenworth:But without that kind of a heart wrenching moment of having lost,
Mikey Ehrenworth:and there's a place similar.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Kind of interesting stories, but on a much more positive.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Yeah, sure.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And we'll get into those in the coming weeks.
Mikey Ehrenworth:In the meantime, like I said, keep, keep an eye out because in the next
Mikey Ehrenworth:week or so, we're, we're hoping to have Brad Jensen on to get his perspective
Mikey Ehrenworth:as well as, as you know, just opening up another look at that realm of sports
Mikey Ehrenworth:memorabilia in sports marketing, because he's been in equipment, uh, representing
Mikey Ehrenworth:equipment companies for a long time.
Mikey Ehrenworth:He's worked with.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Players on and off for his entire career.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And he's got some, some very impressive stories.
Brian Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Brian Ehrenworth:Well Brad is one of the most interesting guys in the industry.
Brian Ehrenworth:So, um, and he's agreed that he'll come on at some point and, uh, his stories.
Brian Ehrenworth:The reason he's so popular with a lot of the players is
Brian Ehrenworth:he's just hilarious guy too.
Brian Ehrenworth:I mean, he's just not an angry guy.
Mikey Ehrenworth:He's, he's great telling the stories as well.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Yeah.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Great storyteller.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Good fun.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I, to say before we go out, as I mentioned, you know, you can
Mikey Ehrenworth:find us on Stitcher, Spotify, iTunes, Google play music.
Mikey Ehrenworth:We are on every single podcast platform.
Mikey Ehrenworth:That's out there as well as YouTube.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And if you're watching on YouTube, Hello again, I'm waving to the camera.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I also wanted to give a quick shout out to Robert Savoie.
Mikey Ehrenworth:I believe it's Savoie.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Who's been liking and commenting on all of our videos.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Always has some great insight.
Mikey Ehrenworth:We notice those things quite a bit.
Mikey Ehrenworth:They help out a lot.
Mikey Ehrenworth:We're building up a great community over on Twitter at Frameworths, sport,
Mikey Ehrenworth:Instagram at Frameworths sports, and we'll have those, uh, those, those accounts for
Mikey Ehrenworth:you at the end of this episode as well.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And send us any questions that you have, that you want
Mikey Ehrenworth:us to go over a sign off pod.
Mikey Ehrenworth:At Frameworth.com.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Uh, we can start to get into some of those listener, ask questions and
Mikey Ehrenworth:give our, uh, our expertise on that.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Or maybe just tell an interesting story that, uh, you may want us to tell.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Uh, so with that though, that's just about it for me, anything
Mikey Ehrenworth:to say before we log off,
Brian Ehrenworth:guys, I'm having a lot of fun doing this and Mike,
Brian Ehrenworth:you're doing a great job for us.
Brian Ehrenworth:I'm setting this up.
Brian Ehrenworth:I just leave my office, walk into the boardroom and here we go.
Brian Ehrenworth:So thanks for all that.
Brian Ehrenworth:Thanks for joining us.
Brian Ehrenworth:Don't forget to write a review and let us know what you're thinking
Brian Ehrenworth:and we'll try and address all that.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Absolutely.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Sounds good.
Mikey Ehrenworth:And so once again, my name is Mikey Ehrenworth, and this is
Mikey Ehrenworth:Brian Ehrenworth president of Frameworths and we are signing off
Mikey Ehrenworth:well, ladies and gentlemen, we made it to the end of yet another episode.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Thanks again so much for joining us.
Mikey Ehrenworth:You can find videos of all of our episodes on YouTube by
Mikey Ehrenworth:searching the sign-off podcast.
Mikey Ehrenworth:You can also follow us on Twitter at @FrameworthSport or
Mikey Ehrenworth:Instagram at FrameworthSports.
Mikey Ehrenworth:Hey, if you're not sick of me yet, you can find me on Twitter over
Mikey Ehrenworth:at, @RetrogradeMikey, or you can always find me embarrassing myself
Mikey Ehrenworth:over on Instagram at Ehrenworth.
Mikey Ehrenworth:The sign-off is a proud product of Fadoo productions and Sad Styles Productions,
Mikey Ehrenworth:executive producers, Mikey, Ehrenworth, and Andrew Bascomuntil next week,
Mikey Ehrenworth:this is Mikey Ehrenworth signing up,