Episode 43

Published on:

13th Jan 2022

Inside The MILLION DOLLAR Leafs Collection - Mike Wilson (The Ultimate Leafs Fan)

This week we sit down with the man who ESPN named "The Ultimate Leafs Fan," and while he doesn't consider himself to be any more "Ultimate" than the countless hard working Toronto Maple Leafs fans scattered across the country, he understands why his diligent collection of Leafs memorabilia which he amassed over 50 years has earned him that title.

Mike Wilson started as a fan but turned into an icon almost overnight when the world learned about his basement which housed a multi-million dollar collection of Toronto Maple Leafs memorabilia ranging from the ACTUAL turnstiles from Maple Leaf Gardens, to the original player contract of Tim Horton.

Mike shares his stories of how he got into collecting, why he decided to sell his collection, and why he ultimately decided to get into the world of appraisals and collectable consulting!

Plus, he regales us with tales of his year-long commitment to attending EVERY live Toronto Maple Leafs game (Home AND Away) in a single season.

Make sure to check out his website where you can purchase his books, find out more information about him, or listen to his podcast "The Squid and The Ultimate Leafs Fan" which he hosts with Rick Vaive!


You can follow Mike on Twitter (@ULeafsFan), Instagram (@TheUltimateLeafsFan), or learn about his sports appraisal services at https://www.ultimatesportsappraiser.com/

Send your thoughts, comments, and questions to SignOffPod@Frameworth.com

Twitter: @FrameworthSports

Instagram: @FrameworthSport

Mikey's Twitter: @RetrogradeMikey


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The Sign Off: A Frameworth Podcast
A behind the scenes look at Sports Marketing from those who helped invent it
Welcome to The Sign Off: A Frameworth Podcast.

This is a forum for all the stories you didn't know you WISHED you knew about the inner workings of the world of Sports Marketing.

Away from the arenas, there's a lot more that goes on behind the scenes, and it's often precisely where some of the most amazing stories take root.

Join us as we explore how every day people come together with a passion and fandom towards sports to form the web of industry which serves as an integral element of the games we all know and love.

About your host

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Mikey Ehrenworth