Episode 44

Published on:

20th Jan 2022

Sports Betting (For Losers) featuring Andrew Bascom

We've spent quite a few episodes talking about the specific realm of sports which centers around collecting, but that's not ALL we do on this podcast. We love to explore all of the niche areas where sports grab peoples' attention away from the arenas and stadiums.

One of the most significant realms in the entire business of sports is something which most sports fans have tried at some point or another: gambling. With the increased awareness and relaxing rules around sports betting, it's becoming EVEN MORE popular than before.

Today we sit down with an expert in that regard, Andrew Bascom, to talk about the ways in which sports betting has been stigmatized, recommendations for beginners, and some of his strategies.

Andrew hosts "Losing Money with Andrew Bascom," which is a sports betting podcast and social media brand aimed at bringing a bit of levity, clarity, and community to the world of sports betting.

You can find the podcast on iTunes here: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/losing-money-with-andrew-bascom/id1530425599

Or just search "Losing Money with Andrew Bascom" wherever you listen!

You can also follow him @LosingMoneyWAB on all social media.

Send your thoughts, comments, and questions to SignOffPod@Frameworth.com

Twitter: @FrameworthSports

Instagram: @FrameworthSport

Mikey's Twitter: @RetrogradeMikey


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About the Podcast

The Sign Off: A Frameworth Podcast
A behind the scenes look at Sports Marketing from those who helped invent it
Welcome to The Sign Off: A Frameworth Podcast.

This is a forum for all the stories you didn't know you WISHED you knew about the inner workings of the world of Sports Marketing.

Away from the arenas, there's a lot more that goes on behind the scenes, and it's often precisely where some of the most amazing stories take root.

Join us as we explore how every day people come together with a passion and fandom towards sports to form the web of industry which serves as an integral element of the games we all know and love.

About your host

Profile picture for Mikey Ehrenworth

Mikey Ehrenworth