Episode 61

Published on:

19th May 2022

Hockey's Great Historian - Paul Patskou

This week we're joined by Paul Patskou who is known as one of the NHL's foremost authorities in history, archiving, video, writing, and more.

He's dedicated his life to preserving, recreating, and sourcing some of the most iconic moments in hockey history. Without his help, and his expertise in archived footage, it's likely that we would not have the videos which have allowed fans to relive moments like the 1972 Summit Series, the breaking of the NHL's "colour barrier," and Bill Barilko's Stanley Cup winning overtime goal for the Toronto Maple Leafs.

He shares some of the most fascinating stories we've heard to date. If you're a fan of the history of this great game, then this is one episode you certainly don't want to miss.

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The Sign Off: A Frameworth Podcast
A behind the scenes look at Sports Marketing from those who helped invent it
Welcome to The Sign Off: A Frameworth Podcast.

This is a forum for all the stories you didn't know you WISHED you knew about the inner workings of the world of Sports Marketing.

Away from the arenas, there's a lot more that goes on behind the scenes, and it's often precisely where some of the most amazing stories take root.

Join us as we explore how every day people come together with a passion and fandom towards sports to form the web of industry which serves as an integral element of the games we all know and love.

About your host

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Mikey Ehrenworth